Day 2 Recap

Day 2 everybody’s rushing to the horse line to pick horses. The horse I had selected the night before was picked by somebody else so a herder took me over to a very skinny grullo, number 13 with a swastika brand and he said was incredibly fast. I went back-and-forth two or three times about whether or not I would take him because he was so skinny. I ended up trusting the herder and we all mounted up and milled around until 7am. With so many riders all blasting off at 7 it was like being at the start line all over again. The horses absolutely took off up the hill. I knew once we got over the hill, there would be a navigational choice to continue up and over more hills or head towards the river towards ground that was surely flat and had water. After my day 1 mishap, I decided to head toward the river. I’ve never gone so fast in my entire life. I had no control as he was racing to keep up with the big group just ahead of us so I gave him his head and prayed he didn’t stumble.

Skinny Grullo #13 from HS 2-3.

Arriving at HS 3. Video: Stevie Delahunt (@adventuristbarbie)

As the front group disappeared out of sight over the hills, we turned left towards the river. We settled into an easy canter and ate up the hills in front of us. We came down into the river bottom and headed south along the river. With about 10 km left he really dropped off and I had to urge him the last part of the leg. I rode most of the leg holding up my saddlebag with my free hand, worried about it rubbing on his spine. I came into HS3 to find not very many people there. My heart sank, I thought it was a repeat of day 1 and I was behind everybody, bad choice again. But Stevie said I was ahead of most of the group I took off with, and only slightly behind the leaders who had camped out! I headed to the horse line and a herder guided me to a long legged qh looking thing. Not what I would have chosen, but ok. He was a super chill dude and we tacked up and headed off. All the other riders had been heading into the hills west out of camp. There were 2 water stops marked along that route. But when I looked at the map, I could see a route along the river. The footing had been good and the road well travelled, so I chose to continue to stay in the river bottom. As I left camp the herder family was calling after me saying I was going the wrong way! I just waved and headed out.

We had a super chill time riding along the river bottom. The horse easily trotted or loped when I asked, but was definitely not fast. It was getting extremely hot and about 5km out of HS4 a prairie dog colony collapsed underneath him and down we went. He came up limping. I tried to walk him out of it. Still lame. Shit. I messaged HQ, hoped off, and hand walked him 5km to HS4. I’d assumed I’d lost all the gains I’d made earlier in the day, but when I got there I’d somehow passed more riders during the leg.

Lame horse from HS 3-4

The herder was amazing and grabbed me by the arm and led me straight to a dun horse that looked perfect. Great! I scarfed down some noodles and mutton, used the long drop, filled my water, and off I went. He was incredible - super fast and easy going. The route was mostly along the roads towards a town so we cruised. The road got bigger as we approached the town and we were riding under a power line. I was mostly on auto pilot and then all of a sudden he launched a good 15’ right to avoid the shadow of a power pole. Not a lot of trees out on the steppe to create shadows and this guy was having none of it! He proved himself a little country mouse as we approached the town, balking at everything man-made. There was a well with beautiful clear water. It took a good 5 mins to convince him it wasn’t going to eat him, and he finally drank big deep gulps. A Prius rolled up on us while drinking and 2 guys approached. Before I knew it one had a hold of my bridle and was motioning for me to dismount. Absolutely not! After I could get him to take his hands off my bridle we scooted out of there. As I rode away, I realized he wanted to take the bit out of my horses mouth so he could drink more easily. Whoops, I must have seemed like such a jerk, but I wasn’t getting off for anything. We cruised the rest of the way to HS 5 and arrived about 5:45pm. My plan was to ride out, but I haven’t stayed out yet and not alone.

Chris and Willemien are both finishing up sitting vet penalties there. My horse took almost the full 30 mins to pulse down so I’m losing riding time to find a family. As it happens Willemien and Sean are getting ready to leave at the same time I am! We decide to ride out together as neither of us wants to camp alone. Stevie comes in and says “omg you’re here!” She seems genuinely surprised I’ve made it this far today. I don’t feel like I’m going exceptionally fast, but somehow I’m catching the front runners.

Willemien and I ride out as fast as we can. Sean is slightly ahead. I picked a little red roan who I’m assured is easy to saddle and catch (essential when camping out). We have 45 mins to find a place to stay and no idea how populated the next leg will be. We ride for almost 35 mins before we see ANYTHING. But over the hill we see a glimmer that must be a ger. As we beeline for it, another appears over the hill to our 10o’clock and we see Sean headed towards it. We chose to switch course and ride as quick as we can. We arrive at 6:57pm and send our tracker messages that we’re stopping.

Willemien and I riding out of HS 5 in search of a camp for the night. After this moment, we rode together the rest of the race. Video: Stevie Delahunt (@adventuristbarbie)

There’s 2 gers, a bull picketed out, and a horse corral. Perfect. But no one is home. So we water and hobble the horses, and sit down to rest. Maggie came to check on us and seemed concerned no one was home. After some investigating with the neighbors she finds out they’re out with their animals and will be home soon. Great. 9pm rolls around and still one one has come home. We’re tired so we set up our sleeping bags outside their door hoping it doesn’t rain. Headlights and a few motorbikes come rolling up at 10:30pm. They are visibly confused and distressed at 3 strangers sleeping on their front stoop. I show them my translation card and when it’s more clear wtf we’re doing there they invite us in. No thanks, we’re settled and exhausted so we sleep under the most epic stars.


Day 3 Recap


Day 1 Recap