$43,893 raised!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you who have donated to this incredible cause. We’re currently at $43,893 raised! Many donations have gone directly to the St John’s Health Foundation, so that figure is not represented accurately on GoFundMe.

Your donation will make an enormous impact on the lives of women in this community. It will ensure easy and quick access to mental health professionals during their pregnancy and early motherhood. Mental Health JH will expand their program into the OB ward, pediatrician’s offices, OB/GYN’s offices.

As I start to fully gear up for the Mongol Derby the support helps motivate me daily!

Regarding the Derby, whether or not we will be able to run the race this year will depend on the Mongolian’s vaccination effort slated to start in March. Their ultimate goal is to vaccinate 80% of the 3 million person population. How much the need to complete in order to open the borders remains the be seen. The Adventurists will set a date in April/May to determine is its feasible to hold the race this year. Should it not run, I have secured a spot in the 2022 race. I will run this race no matter what :) Despite the uncertainty, I am training every day as if I will be departing August 5 and remain extremely optimistic.

Stay tuned for more updates, and again I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your love, support, and outreach.


Mongol Derby 2021 Postponed to 2022


Women’s Mental Health Initiative